Letterforms - Exercise 3
Learning Objectives   
To learn basic anatomy of type and to learn the subtleties of their forms through tracing
Part 1: the quiz   
Use your existing knowledge of typefaces to identify these classic typefaces. What do they have in common? What makes them distinct?
Part 2: explore the letterforms   
- Pick your own initials (upper case) from any of the type­faces below and redraw them at least 6″ high. Draw them as often as it takes for you to feel the typeface, its nuances and unique characteristics. You may use a single typeface or more
- Draw and then overlay matching lowercase letters from two type­faces and compare the simi­lar­ities and differ­ences. Use tracing paper; methods of comparison are shown below.
quiz - 10pts
letterform accuracy - 10pts
participation - 5pts
Typeface Specimens
Letterform Comparison