Looks Like, Sounds Like - Project 5
A major aspect of graphic design is the ability to communicate visually through words and to enhance their meaning through composition. Ironically new technology has increased the ways that hand-lettered type can be created, reproduced, and distributed. Poster typography is still a hands-on medium.
- To explore the compositional possibilities of words on a page.
- To explore the expressive attitude of letterforms.
- To explore the relationships of the literal meaning of the text and the meaning created by the composition.
- To create a series of letterforms that are unique and yet still identifiable (i.e. legible)
Create 2 posters of original typographic compositions that clearly communicate how the type SOUNDS by the way the type LOOKS. You’re adding meaning through composition.
There are type specimen books in the library, and many online resources that show hand-lettered typography (often old signage). There are also type websites that show high quality computer typefaces based on hand-lettered type. Gig poster websites also may offer some inspiration.
The following videos that show kinetic type may also inspire you.
Chemical Burn from Fight Club (This one has some bad language.)
Go beyond simple internet searches and explore deeply! But remember... while you can illustrate to some degree, this is primarily a hand-lettered typography project.
- Find four quotes, and develop two different concepts for each quote for a total of 8 concepts. Think about each quote's meaning. Think about the aesthetic. How does it feel? How does it sound? Consider all the ways you might be able to make your poster look like the quote sounds.
- Begin sketching. Doodle ideas quickly, and produce at least 50 thumbnails
- Experiment with existing typefaces that support your concepts with their look/attitude. Don’t forget about scale, overlapping & cropping. Take your best ideas and refine them into 8 roughs
- Based on feedback from your peers and instructor, choose the best two roughs and refine them into 2 tight roughs
- You will be rendering this by hand using markers (of exactly the same color!). The final illustrations must be as neat as possible with a smooth black finish. Illustration board is opaque and transferring from other media to illustration board is more difficult (but not impossible) than translucent media. Do some research to find the best way to realize your 2 finals.
- All Process work listed
- Two original hand-lettered compositions.
- 9" x 12" Illustration board flapped with protective paper and tracing paper
Value - 100pts
- Points are earned by doing all of the process work (20%)
- Level of craft on the final (20%)
- Composition (40%)
- Professionalism (20%)
Student Examples
Samantha Dillman
Samantha Dillman
Ravyn Foltz
Ravyn Foltz
Haley Franklin
Haley Franklin
Additional Student Examples
Chantal Swing
Chantal Swing
Derrion Jones
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Fallon Rodgers
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Haley Franklin
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Hallie Tadajewski
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Hannah Blackwood
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Hanna Soh
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Ingrid Moreno
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Ingrid Moreno
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Kelsey Chapuis
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Kolby Streller
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Kolby Streller
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Lynh Hoang
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Olivia Jenkins
Olivia Jenkins
Olivia Jenkins
Olivia Jenkins
Studd Morris
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Studd Morris
Studd Morris
Thomas Craft
Thomas Craft
Tiffany Nge
Tiffany Nge